Wayfield Agricultural Technology
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Our Mission

Climate Resilient Agriculture

Harnessing natural processes and leveraging technologies for farmer's profitability and environmental sustainability.

Wayfield Agriculture is been founded with a vision of fousing on below important principals:

Improving farmers profitability

Technology platform to facilitate buying and sellling of high value crops for Farmers,FPOs,Food Processors and Food Companies.

More diversification in crop production and harnessing natural process for growing climate resilient crops.

Less greenhouses gases emission due to agricultural procesess.

Monetizie the sustainable farming practices and soil carbon for the farmer

Our Origin

Regenerative Practices and Microbes

Basic principles of foundation of our company is leveraging Climate Smart Cropping Systems (crop diversification, cover crops, intercropping etc.) ,Climate resilient natural process with the help of soil microbes and implementing regenerative farming practices.

This will provide more stress tolerance to seeds, Plants and crops from extreme climatic condition. Apart from climatic stress tolerance, microbes has potential for nutrients level fixation in the soil.

Implementing of right cropping systems and regenerative practices will make sure less greenhouse emission, more balance and diversified crop production, more soil biodiversity and more quality driven and sustainable food supply for the market. Also, good soil health will help to monetize (and so more income for farmer) rich soil carbon content for farmers by connecting it to the sustainability market.


Wayfield Journey

Farmers On Platform
Agricultural Land Covered
(in Acre)
Crop Advisory Queries
Order Processed
on Platform
Our Vision

Better Eco System with Climate Resilient Agriculture

Agriculture is one of the most important industry on the earth and it has huge potential to fix greenhouse gases emission, increasing biodiversity which will again enables more natural and beneficial insects and pollinators. Our vision is creating a scalable, sustainable and eco-friendly agriculture ecosystem with good profitability and professional sustainability for the farmer. Quality driven crop production systems,Happy and satisfied consumer and a healthy environment for every creature

Our Science and Technology

Powered by Science and Technology

Main pillars of our science and technology are Microbiology, BioTechnology, Soil Science and Data Science. We are creating an integrated tech platform for connecting various component for a climate smart and climate resilient agriculture ecosystem.We are working on the injecting science for providing more stress (Biotic and Abiotic ) tolerance to the plants, right technology mechanism for farmers/growers to implement new farming and cropping systems . Wayfield Ag is building a tech platform for providing more access to market and demand for the farmer to ensure a path to profitability.